If the tree is alive, when dealing with honey bees within a tree, you always want to have them physically removed, as any other method could cause mold and rotting which could lead to diseases that could kill the tree over time. The method we use to remove bees from within a tree is known as forced abscond which the way that works, is we apply smoke at intervals that tricks the honey bees into thinking the tree is on fire, and eventually they skirmish out in a hurry and as they do we safely and humanely vacuum them up into a contained cell so they can be relocated afterwards to an apiary where they can recover and continue to thrive in our environment. Once it has been determined that they have vacated the cavity space, we seal the entrance with aluminum screening to prevent them from returning.

If the tree is dead, for safety reasons it needs to be removed by professional arborists, and we team up with them including providing additional bee suits and protective gear.

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